Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No More Puppy Canine Teeth!

I noticed Airlie pawing and licking at her upper right canine today, and was able to pull it out. That took some doing since she doesn't exactly hold still, but I got it. Unfortunately I missed the upper left one. It's already made it's disappearance.


  1. Whew!Nothing to worry about now! :)

  2. I was never so happy as the day that Alex lost the last of his razor-sharp puppy fangs. They were all hideous, but the canines of the canine were the worst. Congratulations!

  3. Crystal- Thank goodness!

    Kanigget- Thanks! What's funniest is now she's losing the ones on the sides of her mouth. She has incisors in the front, molars in the back and nothing in between!

    CP- Over the course of a week, and one week for the incisors. We're not completely done yet.
